
What if I do the right things (eating, behavior, relationships) for the wrong reasons. Or at least not very good reasons. And what if I do the wrong things for the right reasons. The question is, does it matter why. Or is the what the point. I don’t think I’ve analyzed the why to a great degree. Although this blog belies that point of view. But that is my gut reaction. I look for ways to address the what, and the why trails behind somewhere. Is it a guy thing? Why. It’s a question of depth of understanding. Why. I feel good when I do the right thing. But what if I’m doing it without understanding or reason. In that case, is it better to just go ahead and do the wrong thing, but at least understand why and live with it.

What if you do the right things for the wrong reasons? What happens? They become fleeting. They are indefensible. You even doubt yourself. I imagine some people are better at the what and some the why. It depends on the type of person you are.
I’m not supposed to feel guilty, am I? I’m not supposed to feel inadequate, am I? Because I feel that creeping up. How am I supposed to feel about doing the right things for the wrong reasons. What if I figured out the actual reasons? What if I do have reasons, right or not, and I just can’t figure them out. But that gets back to the question of whether I’ve tried to figure them out. I think I have. And at this moment, I seem to have concluded that there is a right and wrong about them.
The problem with the wrong reasons is they don’t jive with the right actions. So it is unsustainable. It is untenable.

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